dimanche 22 juin 2008

Important books cited in class until friday the 20th 2008

The death of gography and distance by Marshall Mc Luhan in 1962
The death of distance by Caincross Frances in 1997
Imagined communities by Benedict Anderson
Passing of teh traditional society by Daniel Lerner in 1958
Mass media and national development by Wilbour Schramm in 1964
Small media. bid revolution by Annabelle Srebeny in 1994
Mass communication and American empire By Herbert Schiller
Journal of peace research by Johan Gaitung in 1971
The modern world system by Immanuel Wallerstein in 1974The ethics of capitalism by Max Weber in 1904Selections from the prison note books by Antonio Gramsci in 1971
The coming of the post industrial society by Daniell Bell in 1973
Trilogy: the information age by Manuell Castells in 1996
World risk society by Ulrick Beck in 1986

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

You are really an intelligent student. Hardworking is the key to success. You are doing very well.

I like your team-spirit.