- informing
- persuading
- motivating
- nuilding lasting relations
The aim of communication for developemnt is to move from a traditional to a modern society. This development must be sustainable and help decrease poverty.
The definition of poverty has evolved from lack of resources to include also inaccessibility to knowledge with all its constituents.
The stakeholder sof developemnt are the governemnt, the privat esector, the civil institutions and NGOs.
Four strategies of communication for development are identified:
Public awareness campaigns based on mass media communication
Social marketing which refers to the application of commercial marketing to promote and deliver pro-social intervention.
Edutainment embedding pro-social educational messages in popular entairtenment format.
Advocacy which refers to the dissemination of information about the best practices.
Planning phases for implementing a strategy:
- formative research
- project design
- pre-testing
- implementing
- monitoring
- evaluating
- correction if needed
To progress from traditional to modern societies, Walt Rostow suggested the necessary passage from four stages:
- Pre-take off
- Take off
- Road to maturity
- Mass consumption
An illustrative example is that of South Corea
1962: take off with th eindustrialization period
1975: Road to maturity thanks to the developement of electronics
1985: mass consumption
Definition of convergence: gathering all forms of human communication in an electronic based, computer driven system. This also referred to as compunication.
Convergence theory sees free flow of information through a communication network shared by those who participate in the process. It predicts that all participants in th eworld system will converge on the average collective pattern of thoughts if communication is not restricted. This is known as homogenization of culture.
Virtual communities provide opportunities for people to access the cultural resources to feel as if they are still part of a cultural group.
Today, we assist to th emergence of new global information society regimes. It is split between:
- Neoliberal / market driven agenda as in the US.
- Humanitarian / social responsible agenda as in western europe.
Regime theory: principles, norms, rules, and decision making procedures around which actor's expectations converge in a given issue area.
constructivism: set of ideas and knowledge used by different actors to construct new international frameworks.
Icitization: domestication and adoption of ICTs.
E-readiness: maturity reached for digitalization.
Politics: practice of the art or science of directing and administrating states or other political units.
Today, global communication politics deal with the telecommunication sector, intellectual property rights, and mass media. They are determined by trade and market standards. the dominant discourse is economy
UN was established in 1945 and delt with the resolution of such issues as:
- jamming of braodcasting
- direct satellite jamming
- protection of journalists
- human right aspects of science and technology.
WTO policy is based on the nondiscrimination principle. it supports th eliberalization of market and th euniversal access to services. Free trade in that field is then applied to hardware manufacturing, software production and distribution, and operation of networks.
The ITU organized the WSIS in two phases. The first took place in Geneva in 2003 and th esecond in Tunisia in 2005.
Kinds of divides:
- access
- digital
- conetent
- economic opportunity
- democratic
Best examples of capitalization in ICTs and IT: Ireland, Morocco, Israel, and Costa Rica.
Mindfacturing: in an open inclusive network society, production is led by the mind's creation.
Leapfrogging theory: Usually th epassage from traditional to modern society follows a path going from agricultural societies to industrial and then service based. This theory refers to the bypassing of the industrial socety. The limitation of this theory resides in lack of the necessary infrastructure to reach the service based society.
Infouse: consumption of various ICTs by households, businesses, and governemnt and the intensity of their actual use.
Infodensity: ICT capital and labor stock and their role in the productive capacity of the economy.
Infostate: bifference betweem countries' level of digitalization. It is another name for digital divide.
"Connectivity is productivity" by Quadir
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