Globalization of the telecommunication
Thanks to Reagan' startegy of "OPEN SKIES", we assit today to the 3 global trends that revolutionized the international communication:
- Liberalization: private operators are allowed to operate in the national telecommunication arena.
- Deregulation: Regulate to deregulate.
- Privatization:state owned business were offered to private investors.
In 1984, Reagan broke the ublic monopolies and allowed private telecommunication networks to operate in the american telecommunication arena. In 1995, the UK followed. European countries followed but at a slow pace.
Free trade in communication was also encouraged by the WTO. It argued that dissiminating barriers to the free flow of information was essential to the economic development.
Regional satellite services
In the arab world, ArabSat was created in 1976 by the arab league. It was used only in 1990 (time of the end of communism).
As the power is exercised through th emonopolization of th information pipelines, Saudia Arabia, Qatar, and UAE distinguished themselves as leaders in the telecommunication industry.
Who benefits from the liberalization and privatization of the telecommunication sector?
It is the transnational companies and gloabl players dominating global trade that do.
Who are the leaders in the intenational television news brodcasting?
CNN(USA), BBC(UK), France 24(FRANCE), Al Jazeera(ARAB WORLD). Each "core" wants to braodcast teh news according to its interest and perspective.
Who are the heavy international news agencies today?
1.Reuters (UK)
2.Associated Press (USA)
3.AFP(agence france presse)
Then comes united press international (USA), ITAR TASS (Russia), Kinhua news agency (China).
To all those news agencies, we can associate a media regime.
The arab satellite media:
Ahmed 3ayach divided the history of satellite TV in 3 phases:
Formative phase (1954-1975)
National expansion phase (1976-1990)
Regional and global expansion phase. As an example, we can cite Al Jazeera. It was created in 1996 by a Qatari Emir and was a state owned channel.
Globalization of western culture
It mainly deals with the economic dimensions at the expense of the the cultural aspects of th einteraction between and among world people. People argue that the globalization of culture in Americanization of this later.
Hibridity: it refers to how global genres are adapted to suit the mixture of cultures. Example of Spanglish or Hinglish are very illustartive.
Lingua Franca: it is the global english that emergerd 200 year sago as the global commerce and communication language.
To protect their cultural goods, European states adopted several strategies. These startegies are quotas, subsidies and grants, regional alliances (creation of joint ventures), and resistance.
To overcome this resistance, the US led regionalziation (example of CNN arabia), localization, or global popular.
Important concepts
Embedded journalism: refering to a journalist who is attached to a military unit involved in an armed conflict.
CNN effect: real time communication technology that provokes major responses from domestic audiences and political elites to global events. It has the ability to affect the conduct of US diplomacy and foreign policy.
Foreign policy: policies of a government directed to matters beyond national borders, especially relations with other countries.
Media coverage: when media report son a specific event and present it to the audience.
Priming: enhancing the effects of themedia by offering the audience a prior context that will be used to interpret subsequent communication
Framing: provide meaning through selective simplification, by filtering people's perceptions and providing them with a field of vision for a problem.
Frame analysis: it consists of examining the ways experience is organized for individuals and gives meaning to events in life.
Content analysis: it is a quantitative method that is used to make inferences by systematically and objectively identifying special characteristics of messages.
Discourse analysis: set of methods and theories for investigating language in use and language in social contexts.
Conversation analysis: examines the methods people use to make sense of their everyday social world.
Sociolinguistics: treat language as a set of precise rules which must be adhered to in order to facilitate efficient communication.
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Dear student,
You are doing an excellent job.
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